Case Code : CLSDM047
Publication date : 2011
Subject : Sales & Distribution Management
Industry : -
Length : 06 Pages
Short Case Study Price: INR 100;
The case of CYRUS Pharmaceuticals is about a start-up in the Pharmaceuticals sector in India. The company in the case intends to sell formulations in South India and is working out its Sales & Distribution strategy. The promoter has some inputs from another existing pharmaceuticals company and is working to see if he can use some of these pieces of information.
Introduction |
Questions for Discussion:
1. Design a sales force plan with details of numbers, recruitment method, and product-wise targets. Give clear reasoning
2. Design a distributor sign-up agreement. What should the profile of the distributors be and why?
Key words:
Sales, Distribution, sales force strategy, sales force structure, sales organization, channel strategy, pharmaceuticals
* This caselet is intended for use only in class discussions.